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waken472 發表於 2021-2-7 10:48 AM

[原創] 焦糖烤布丁

本帖最後由 waken472 於 2021-2-7 01:35 PM 編輯

Caramel pudding, let’s try this recipe:)) 有沒有過那種想吃甜點可是又不想花太多時間做來來來,簡單又零失敗的焦糖烤布丁,保證贏得你的心(咦?食譜做法: https://youtu.be/nVhDWMDUzyo

焦糖烤布丁Caramel Pudding材料 Ingredients: 焦糖 Caramel:砂糖 Sugar 50g水 Water 25g熱水 Hater water 10g
布丁 Pudding:雞蛋 Whole eggs 2蛋黃 Egg yolks 2牛奶 Milk 165g鮮奶油 Cream 60g砂糖 Sugar 40g香草精Vanilla essence 2 tsp食譜可以製作出四個焦糖布丁This recipe can make 4 caramel pudding作法: 在鍋子中加入50克砂糖 以及 25克水,並加熱至糖漿呈現金黃色In a heavy saucepan, cook 50 gram sugar and 25 gram water over low heat until sugar is melted and golden. 倒入10克的水Then pour 10 gram water into the caramel syrup.防止糖漿持續加熱造成苦味Do not over cook, other wise it will be bitter. 將焦糖倒入模具中,翻轉至包裹整個底層Pour caramel syrup into moulds and tilting to coat bottom of cups.將牛奶、糖、鮮奶油以及香草精煮至砂糖融化Cook milk, sugar, cream and vanilla essence until the sugar is dissolved.試著控制在60度且不燙手的溫度Trying to keep the temperature going to 60 degrees which is warm hot.將全蛋以及蛋黃打散In a large bowl, beat the eggs and egg yolks.慢慢的將牛奶混合液倒入蛋液中並且持續攪拌Slowly pour milk mix into the eggs and whisk all of ingredients together.將混合好的蛋液倒入模具當中Carefully pour the pudding mixture equally on top of the caramel syrup in each mould.用鋁箔紙將模具包裹Using foil cover each pudding mould.將熱水倒入烤盤並滿過模具的一半Pour hot water in a tray also make sure the hot water goes to half of moulds.120度烤55分鐘Oven 120 degrees for 55 minutes until cooked.冷卻Refrigerate the pudding until cold.上蓋並且冷藏至少6個小時Lid on and store in the fridge at least 6 hours.

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infuture 發表於 2021-3-6 10:06 AM

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