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[英語]Shinedown(殞落樂團) - Amaryllis (2012-03-26@101MB@320K@FSk/BS) 關閉[複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5

21432 點
165759 米
發表於 2012-3-28 10:05 AM|只看該作者|倒序瀏覽
本帖最後由 fred302040 於 2012-3-30 01:38 PM 編輯


【 專輯歌手 】  Shinedown(殞落樂團)
【 專輯名稱 】  Amaryllis
【 專輯語言 】  英語
【 音樂類型 】  Alt Rock
【 發行日期 】  2012-03-26
【 音樂品質 】  320K
【 專輯大小 】  101MB
【 檔案格式 】  RAR(+3%復原記錄) → MP3
【 下載工具 】  Mipony / JDownloader / Http
【 分享空間 】  Freakshare / Bitshare

【 專輯介紹 】
Re-teaming with The Sound of Madness producer Rob Cavallo (Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Kid Rock) Shinedown presents its fourth full-length album - the bruising, unapologetic, and totally kinetic Amaryllis.

Amaryllis, with unflinchingly honest, unrepentant songs like first single "Bully" and "I'm Not All Right, " as well as the deeply moving "Miracle" and the soulful love song "I'll Follow You, " delivers on its mission statement throughout its 12 tracks. From a thematic standpoint, Amaryllis is a record about vulnerability. It reveals the bruises and scars, but also their healing. "It's not a record for the faint of heart, " Smith admits. "Every single song makes a statement. I was looking for the kind of emotion that made every hair on the back of my neck stand on end. Because of that, I feel in my heart and soul that this album is a game changer for our band."

Six songs on Amaryllis feature a 30-piece orchestra, including "I'm Not All Right" - Shinedown's first-ever song to incorporate horns, which drive home the manic intensity of its subject matter. Another highlight is "Bully, " which finds Smith addressing the tormentor in question in the strongest possible terms. "Amaryllis is probably the most rock and roll album we've ever made, " Smith says. "We've always been a rock band, and I didn't want to lose sight of that. I told everyone the album had to do three things: It had to show sophistication in the songwriting, it had to show musical growth within the band, and I had to push myself to go places lyrically that I had never gone before. "

【 專輯曲目 】
01. Adrenaline
02. Bully
03. Amaryllis
04. Unity – Shinedown
05. Enemies – Shinedown
06. I’m Not Allright
07. Nowhere Kids
08. Miracle – Shinedown
09. I’ll Follow You – Shinedown
10. For My Sake – Shinedown
11. My Name (Wearing Me Out) – Shinedown
12. Through The Ghost – Shinedown
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